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Finished tournaments for playmoney with Frederik97

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Chess typeHilfeFinishedTournament nameStakes (Playmoney)Thinking timeHilfePlayerHilfeRoundsHilfeColorHilfesortZeitsortEinsatz
Details Normal chess2017-07-03 16:37:18ReisPs9.00Quick chess: 10 minutes + 5 Sec/Move21?201707031637189
Details Normal chess2017-07-14 12:59:44Laras7.00Quick chess: 20 minutes21?201707141259447
Server time:2024-07-27 04:23:1818
Chessgamble: Internet Chess00-1-1nein-1en-11http://www.chessgamble.de/HttpRequestZiel.php-1-1-1-100