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Ads: Hilfe

Tournament state: Finished

Chess type: Dark Chess


whiteblackResultProfit for each
RaupersganterTo boardDraw4.00

Tournament Details

Chess typeDark ChessFor each player only its own pieces and the squares to be reached in the next move are visible. Additonally each player can see the squares in front of its pawns: The sqare directly in front and both diagonal in front. The opponents king has to be captured. Checkmate does not terminate the game immediately. The king must not avoid check.
Wide strategy tipps: Dark Chess Strategy Guide
Tournament namegantersHilfe
Started2012-06-28 05:37:30
Finished2012-07-14 11:29:48
Thinking time typeCorrespondence chessHilfe
Thinking time30 days for 10 movesHilfe
Time credit per moveNoHilfe
Stakes5,00 € play moneyHilfe
Number of players2Hilfe
No of rounds1Hilfe
ColorsCreator has blackHilfe
Server time:2024-05-19 01:24:4141
Chessgamble: Internet Chess00-1223nein-1en-11http://www.chessgamble.de/HttpRequestZiel.php-1-1-168142000